We don't have a rating system.
Our way of tracking student progress differs from the usual 5-point grading system.
We calculate what percent of the material a child has learned. We do not evaluate children, they do not have "bad" or "good" grades.
Today, everyone is facing the challenges of uncertainty. We are convinced that a person learns and develops better if they are motivated, active and if their individual characteristics are taken into account.
This is the approach we use in Shkola.
We have our own training system that includes elements of personalized learning.
When a child comes to study with us for the first time, we help students:
1. To create a personalized curriculum that contains both current academic goals and long-term ones, for example, related to further education or a professional career.
2. To identify gaps in subject knowledge while undergoing a "smart" diagnosis, as well as to create an individual correctional program, where their learning style is indicated; recommendations are presented so that lessons are as useful as possible.